How to detect a Compulsive Gambler

A compulsive gambler is a person who is not able to resist urge to gamble. The compulsiveness leads to severe personal and social consequences. The desire to gamble becomes so difficult to control that stress can only be calmed by gambling more.

A compulsive gambler is a person who is not able to resist urge to gamble. The compulsiveness leads to severe personal and social consequences. The desire to gamble becomes so difficult to control that stress can only be calmed by gambling more.

1. Walks, Talks and Breathes Gambling

The compulsive gambler preoccupies himself with gambling. He tells story of previous experiences. The compulsive gambler often discuss with anybody willing to listen, his new schemes or next winning strategy.

2. More, more and more

The compulsive gambler finds himself gambling more and more money. In most cases he is not gambling for a bigger prize but for an increased thrill or excitement. The time he spends gambling usually lasts longer than planned.

3. Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

The compulsive has repeatedly been unable to curb his gambling. Worse, he becomes irritable and restless when attempting to cut back or stop altogether. Unfortunately, gambling is a way of escaping or relieving his problems.

4. Lies, lies and more lies

The compulsive gambler starts lying to family and friends in order to hide his habit. But lies and brags about winnings. He denies having a problem when confronted. Often becomes angry if the issue is pursued. The lies start to become a way of life for the compulsive gambler.

5. Show me the money

He starts depending on others to help on dire financial situation. He often borrows from family and friends to support his increasingly worsening problem. Mortgages and loans are refinanced. Life insurance is cashed in, as well as his 401k. The gambler may then start committing fraud and theft to finance gambling.

6. Self Destructing

Career is jeopardized or relationships with loved ones and friends are eroding. There is a tremendous amount of shame and remorse felt after gambling. Will consider or attempt suicide due to extreme helplessness of situation.

7. Losing control

A shift in personality often happens to the compulsive gambler. He starts being manipulative, irritable, argumentative, critical, and controlling. The compulsive gambler starts losing interest on his regular activities and hobbies. Then makes poor excuses or evades questions on his whereabouts. Often withdraws from love ones and friends. Sees gambling as a way to cope and deal with his problems.

8. No Sense of time

The compulsive gambler begins gambling to celebrate and in crisis. He starts spending his time gambling on holidays and special events.

Prevention is difficult and will not always be likely. Counseling may help people who are more susceptible to compulsive gambling. People who know of relatives that are compulsive gambler might be at risk and must be especially wary.

There are several online organizations that can give both practical advice and emotional support to problem gamblers. Gambling Therapy is one of them and could be a good starting point.

The Secrets to Avoiding Addictive Gambling

Narcotic drugs aren’t the only things that are addictive in this world. Gambling is also addictive. There have been a lot of incidences of people stealing, getting too indebted sometimes even committing suicide just because of gambling problems. In addition Gambling happens legally in 27 states in the US.

Some people say it’s hard not to get addicted to gambling. Actually, it is only a matter of self control and knowing when to stop. Gambling need not be addictive if you don’t view it as that.

Off course, gambling is all around us, simple bingo nights for charity, bets with friends, these are all a gamble, but why doesn’t everybody get addicted if it’s this widespread? The answer is everyone that’s not addicted knew when to quit.

Most compulsive gamblers lose their rationality and actually believe that they are “lucky”, that there’s no way that they can lose.

First of all you must know that eventually, everybody loses in gambling. The only party that wins is the company. Gambling was designed to produce net profits for the owners.

If you are gambling for recreation and not for winning, it may only be a matter of time before you become a professional gambler. These are the people who live off betting and risking. A large win might be the single trigger to make you believe that you’ll always win. And this isn’t the correct mindset.

If you catch yourself finding the urge to gamble, why not ask your family or friends to play with you in a low-risk game, like bet tonight’s dessert or who gets to take out the garbage. As much as possible, never bet with money.

If you’re starting to have gambling impulses, better stay off casinos or any place that focuses on gambling. Ask the help of family or friends so that you won’t’ be tempted.

When the addiction is really starting to get hold, it’s probably best to find an organization or a share group in your community that deals with these types of addiction. Like Alcoholism, Gambling addiction is curable, and what better cure than prevention.

Remember, gambling is your choice, you’re not being forced into it; you don’t have to do it to have a good time. If you’re starting to think of borrowing money just to finance your gambling, tell someone close to you about it and with their help, discuss the disadvantages and probable problems that could come out of too much gambling.